Recent Elementary Student Artwork
X-Ray Aboriginal Shoe Fish with 3rd Grade
In the three video clips below I am working with third grade students. They have had a half a class previous to this one to start the project. Students are asked to review and connect their knowledge in the first video. The second video is the class discussing successful examples. In the third video, student participate in a gallery walk. I have also included the lesson plan for the project.

3rd_grade_x-ray_aborignal_drawings.docx |

3rd_grade_x-ray_aborignal_drawings_day_3.docx |
One-Point Perspective Pumpkin Farms with 5th Grade
5th grade worked to understand how to create the illusion of 3D space. They were required to use specific components in their artwork, but were obviously encouraged to change elements to reflect their creativity. In the first video segment, I review the objectives and prior knowledge with students. The second video is of me giving a demonstration. The third is of students working and discussing the project.

5th_grade_perspective_pumpkin_farms.docx |

5th_grade_perspective_pumpkin_farms_day_3.docx |
Pastel Pumpkin Still-Lifes
There are no videos for this lesson, but the finished products speak for themselves. The students created visual stunning pumpkin still lifes using soft pastels. We concentrated on shading, proportion and drawing from real life. I was extremely pleased with the student results.

4th_grade_pastel_pumpkins.docx |

4th_grade_pastel_pumpkins_day_3.docx |