Art Classes for the YMCA of Frederick County
I teach both elementary and secondary art education classes with the YMCA of Frederick County. These classes are offered once a week. Elementary classes begin with discussion about the main topic. Each lesson allows students to practice art skills and express themselves. Secondary students work in tangent with me to develop an art project of interest to them. This personalized approach allows students to delve into their interests.
As the arts administrator for the Y, I also assess the need for more arts classes in our community, and then develop and implement them. The Y now offers elementary home school level music classes, private music lessons and preschool drama classes.
As the arts administrator for the Y, I also assess the need for more arts classes in our community, and then develop and implement them. The Y now offers elementary home school level music classes, private music lessons and preschool drama classes.
The Y Teaching Kitchen
Cooking is an art and as such, I organize all cooking classes, events, and activities at the Y's Teaching Kitchen. In order to develop the needed curriculum for this space, I have participated in a YMCA cohort about developing teaching kitchen spaces and conducted large scale community interest surveys. To date I have organized over 100 cooking workshops, along with starting a Master's Chef series, with the first class taught by French Chef Olivier Straehli. These classes have all been designed and implemented with the help of the first hand knowledge of the instructors. The Y's Teaching Kitchen also hosts "Community Table", an educational program designed to aid low income families to learn to cook quick, but healthy, meals.