Assessment Rubrics
As a public school art teacher, I have designed many rubrics and other types of assessments to hold students accountable for specific standards of learning. Below are some examples.
Grading Rubric Examples
As an administrator of programming, I have also created and conducted evaluations on instructors.
Teacher Evaluations Examples

teacher_observation_form.pdf |
I've used surveys to both research learner and community needs. These types of surveys help guide me to develop appropriate programming. Other surveys I've created offer feedback and evaluations from participates after completing a program or class. SurveyMonkey is a useful online survey building tool that I have created many such surveys. Below are some examples.
Post Teacher Survey for Arts in Education

post_teacher_survey_for_aie.docx |
Post Student Survey for Arts in Education

student_participant_survey_for_aie.docx |